Flood hazard mitigation is the process we undertake to reduce the risk of future flooding.

Dry Flood proofing and structure elevation and or relocation are the best ways to hazard mitigate from flooding while preserving re-useable buildings. Elevation and dry flood proofing of buildings keeps the neighborhoods of communities intact. It also preserves the vital property tax revenues that communities need for streets/sewers/police/fire and school funding. Flood hazard mitigation-elevation and dry flood proofing also keeps property values stable and or increases the value of the land/buildings due to their being made safe from flood events and eligible for greatly reduced flood insurance rates into the future.  The most important first step in flood hazard mitigating a property is the decision of the property owner to undertake the project.   

Flood Mitigation Solutions was created to meet the needs of communities, groups and individuals seeking flood hazard mitigation solutions for buildings in America located in FEMA flood zones mapped flood plains.

Coastal and riverine areas in America are facing increased dangers from a changing global climate that will feature more frequent and more intense storm events and associated flooding. Sea level rise in this century will bring new flooding challenges for adaptation to coastal communities and the property owners in those communities. This is the greatest challenge to American coastal communities in our history as a nation.

Flooding costs in America are rising and are predicted to continue to rise at an accelerating rate in coastal and riverine communities as the climate changes.  Flooding devastates the people it touches and has a negative economic ripple effect on the communities it impacts. The Biggert Waters Act of 2012 has changed flood insurance in this country forever and it has a wide variety of impacts on property owners. Flood Mitigation Solutions assists property owners and communities in adapting to these changes so that they can be safer from flooding events in the future and more disaster resilient.

#1 Natural Disaster
Flooding is the No. 1 natural disaster in the United States.
Average Flood Claim
From 2005 to 2014, the average flood claim was $42,000, and total flood insurance claims averaged more than $3.5 billion per year.
Average Flood Premium
Nationally, the average flood premium is $700 per year.


Non-residential buildings can be dry flood proofed. Dry flood proofing is the process of creating a water resistant exterior of the building through various methods like barriers for doors and windows, application of clear water proofing material to the exterior for the building, water resistant membranes under a brick or plaster outer coat, interior sump pumps remove any water that gets into the building and a generator to power the pump(s) when the power goes out. A certified dry flood proofed building lowers flood risk and flood insurance costs while preserving the property values. The next important step is to evaluate the best dry floodproofing project for you through our flood mitigation assessment process. Connect with us to discuss a flood mitigation assessment for your non-residential building.


After a community completes a flood vulnerability assessment, the next step is to complete a flood mitigation assessment. This process evaluates the building, the flood risk and identifies the most effective flood mitigation project for the individual building. A preliminary scope of work is produced that identifies the multiple parts of the project and a preliminary budget is also produced to match the scope of work. This assessment is then ready for grant writing or other project financing methods. We work with you to find your flood mitigation solution.


Flood Mitigation Solutions has been established to service the needs of communities and property owners in the area of historic resources. Historic resources are irreplaceable. They provide communities a unique sense of place through the older architecture. Flood Mitigation Solutions can provide consulting services for the identification of historic resources and to assist the owners of those resources/buildings to access federal and state income tax credit financial incentive programs and property tax exemptions, where available, for historic building rehabilitation. Redevelopment of those resources and revitalization of the neighborhoods they are located in are critical for the revitalization of neighborhoods and communities.